
{DIY} I Love This Lamp

Yes.  The title is true.  I love this lamp....
Maybe it's the amount of time I spent painting and sanding the lamp 
to paint it some more and sand it some more
and repeat those steps at least 4 more times before the project's end.
Stephen actually pointed out my affinity for this lamp....
and it took a second to sink in....
but now I must agree.....I do love this quirky lamp!
I guess I should start with the story of this lamp I love so much.
I was thrifting...and stumbled upon this lovely little lamp.
I did as all good thrifter's do and hovered around the lamp for some time trying to decide if I really wanted the lamp and what I would do with it.
(Afraid that at any moment someone would 
fall in love with the lamp as I did and actually purchase it!)
I hovered soooo long the sales clerk said she would hold it up front for me
(that's bad!)
I snapped a pic that I sent to my hubby to see if he liked the lamp as much as I did and he thought with a little TLC it could work in our new place.
I went to the register to purchase, but got gun shy and needed to inspect it
ONCE more
Upon further inspection I found this....an AWESOME working lightbulb!
(this doesn't happen often if you're wondering why I got so excited)
And this!  Exposed wires....
I was devastated and determined it wasn't meant to be.
I could fix the cosmetic issues, but had no clue how to re-wire the lamp.
I left the lamp at the thrift store
When I spoke with my husband later and told him why I left the lamp 
he quickly retorted, "I can fix that...that's not hard at all!"
Well that's all the convincing I needed...I hurried back to the store and brought the lamp home.
I disassembled the lamp so Stephen could gather the necessary items to re-wire and I could paint.
After I took the lamp apart I found this guy.... a break in the wood.  
Nothing a little Gorilla Wood Glue couldn't fix....so let the painting BEGIN!
I read many reviews about the wonders of the Annie Sloan Chalk Paint
No sanding, priming, prep work....just straight painting.
Something I could get down with!
For this project I used the ASCP Pure White 
(Insert sanding and painting and sanding and painting
and more sanding and more painting steps here!)
I sealed the finalized product with the ASCP Soft Wax in Clear

It took me an usually long time to find a lampshade for this lamp.
I knew I wanted the lampshade to be black but could not find one ANYWHERE.
Not online, not in Target, not in Walmart....nowhere.  It was actually kinda weird.
I finally found one at Ikea but it didn't quite fit.
Insert my Handy Hubby!
He knew just the trick and we were in there like swimwear.
Best part about the lamp....it can hold my creepy bunnies.
Not sure where these guys will end up....but they do look at home on this lamp!

 Our next project involves THIS guy....
and a little procrastination on my part.

Happy Monday