
{DIY} Vintage Book Pages Lampshade - FAIL

This is one DIY project that turned out horribly wrong...
I found the idea on Pinterest to cover a lampshade with pages from a vintage book
Awesome (so I thought)....and I set off to try it!

I gathered all of the necessary materials
Lampshade, cut out book pages, Mod Podge, foam brush and scissors
and I proceeded to slap on the Mod Podge and book pages.....Bad idea!
This was how it turned out....
crinkled pages with lifts in between

and in the top of the lampshade you can see all of the folds :(
But there it sits, right on our side room table in all its
awful poorly crafted glory....
I have vowed to re-do this project and when I do I will post updated and hopefully better pictures of this vintage book page lampshade
with proper instructions on what you SHOULD and SHOULD NOT do!


  1. This is a really cute idea & I think it's great that you posted it even though it didn't turn out how you wanted. Maybe it would work better to only put the paper up until the edges but not over them? Or maybe a different type of shade? I have no idea but it actually really doesn't look too bad. I love that black base!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog too : )

    Forever Fashionably Late

    1. Thanks for the vote of confidence! I may actually try a different lampshade all together....but I think my major issue was application :/ I actually spray-painted the base black to fit in better with our decor :) Thanks for stopping by I look forward to your future posts

  2. Awww, I´m so sorry that it didn´t work out! But it has this special vintage vibe, so maybe it´s not lost forever :)
    I´m now following your blog on Bloglovin

    xx Ivana

    This is the last week to enter my "Perfect nail polish" event on Facebook! Check it out here

    Stop by sometimes :)
    Macarons and Pearls

    1. Thanks for stopping by -- I'm following you on Bloglovin' too! :) I look forward to your upcoming posts!

  3. What a nice idea! I actually want to try it :)

    x Leila

  4. These are SO pretty! What a brilliant idea.
    xo Josie

  5. I've just found your blog and I think it's AMAZING! Absolutely LOVE this idea! :)

    Check out my blog, I always follow back my lovely readers :)

    Xoxo, Maya <3

  6. That's really nice, i wouldn't come to it! thanks a lot for your visit!

    Love DIY, love your blog!


  7. Thanks so much for having the guts to publish your "fail", LOL! I'd like to see more of this kind of reality and a lot less of oh those so perfect projects and homes out there in blogland. I found your post while I was looking for instructions and inspiration on how to do a page-covered lamp shade. I do not want mine to turn out looking like your first attempt - no insult intended! Alas, it probably will, though, because that's just how I run. Once again, thanks for your refreshing and make-me-laugh-out-loud precious dose of real life!

    1. Can I just start by saying thanks! Your comment truly made me smile :) Life is not perfect, no matter how much one wants to portray themselves (or their blog) that way. And please don't worry about any insult - the reason I posted this was to give people a better idea of what NOT to do. Good luck if you try this DIY, I would love to see pics and hear what worked/didn't work for you. Thanks for stopping by.

    2. Hello! I stopped by today to see if your blog had been updated and I saw you replied to my comment from over half a year ago. Whew, how time flies. Thanks so much for responding, and I'm glad to see you are still "here." I chickened out and haven't done diddly squat on my bookpage lampshade project. Instead, I went REALLY BIG and am curerntly working on an epic fail gallery wall in my dinette area. I have tons of photos to put up but not enough frames, alas! So right now things are totally out of kilter cuz I used every semi-decent (and even some not so decent) frame in the house to hang up the photos, and it's a hot mess mish-mash. Love it anyway, though, because the photos are so precious. BTW, none of the frams match, well, a couple do but they're different sizes so I don't think that counts. Put an ugly on sale mirror in the middle of it too, it looked much better on line when I bought it for like 90% off -- should have known better. Anything 90% off must be butt ugly bad. Yep, it is. I need to check and see if you did a gallery wall...

    3. Hey Jan! Thanks for checkin in. Don't feel bad for not attempting this DIY....I still have yet to attempt the re-do...ha! I just moved the lampshade to our guest bedroom - where it's easier to hide. How awesome does you gallery wall sound! That is actually on my (ever growing) to-do list. Even though the frames don't match, have you considered spray painting them 1 or 2 neutral colors so they'd look more cohesive? This is what I intend to do...get a bunch of thrifted frames and spray paint them white and hang them in our hallway. If I ever get around to this DIY I will definitely create a post noting my challenges. And my feeling is...your home is for YOU, no one else! I have so many DIY, thrifted and just plain weird things in my home (nothing hanging straight or always coordinated) but that's what makes my home MINE and UNIQUE and I love it! So love the heck out of your gallery wall....I'm sure it's just as AWESOME as you are :)

  8. Whoa! So great! This is really an amazing idea. I love it. I better try this. Thanks for sharing such DIY idea.

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words. Like I said in the post....the execution was lacking a bit, but I think on the re-do I would just take my time during the application process. Thanks for stopping by :)

  9. the problem lyes in the lampshade's inwards bulging shape! That's why the paper didn't stick flat.
