
{Outfit} Printed Skirt

This past weekend, the hubby and I went to a surprise party for one of our dear friends.  It was a bit of a road trip for us, so I wanted to stay comfortable for our 3 hour journey to the beach.  

Also, the weather has been at a bit of an in-between point as of late - from cold (by Florida standards) to fairly warm to cold again, all in a day's time.  So, I brought along my trusty vintage Levi's jean jacket - which I have been pretty much living in since our "winter" began.

This "new to me" printed skirt is one of my most recent thrift store finds.  It's vintage, bright and extremely well made.  I'm currently debating whether I should shorten the skirt.  When I have a wonderful vintage piece that already fits well, I'm always hesitant to alter it.  

I'm afraid alterations will take away from the original feel of the piece.  I may shorten the skirt in the future, but for now I'm happy with the rather demure length.

{Outfit} Details:
Shirt - Target
Skirt - Thrifted Vintage
Jacket - Thrifted Vintage Levi's
Earrings - Thrifted Vintage
Bracelet - Vintage (acquired from my mother)
Purse - Coach Willis
Shoes - MIA


  1. I'm so happy you're doing outfit posts!!!!!! I love this. More please? :D

    1. Thank you for the vote of confidence and your kind words!!! They are truly appreciated :) I hope to do more outfit posts in the future....just depends on my photographer's (Stephen) availability - he's a busy guy lol
