
{DIY} The First (of Many) Projects

As our move in date quickly approaches, Stephen and I are trying to complete as many projects as possible.  No matter how big (and there are some BIG ones) or how small.  The color scheme of our new place is going to be black and white.
So chic.  
However, being newlyweds and on a rather tight budget we need to "re-purpose" or, for all intensive purposes, paint some of our old furniture to match our new decor!  
Insert my handy friend Mr. Krylon (I did explain we're on a budget right?)
We are going to re-use our perfectly good, but perfectly wooden bar stools.
 I enlisted the help of Mr. Spray-Painter Extraordinaire

and Voila!  We have new to us (well...kinda) bar stools.
We still need to put a wax sealant on them, as some of the spray paint tends to rub off on your hands (and we don't want our guests leaving with black bottoms) 
but the stools are already a vast improvement from what they were!

I am actually about to start on our next project....
This lovely retro lamp that I found at a thrift store for a whopping $15

I will post the details of this restore later.....but alas back to the projects!
Hope you are having a wonderful Halloween. : ) (what's left of it anyways)

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