
{DIY} The Demented Bunnies

I went thrifting yesterday, as we still don't have a coffee table for our new place.  
 While my coffee table hunt was unsuccessful.......
I did stumble upon these creepy guys!
I knew they'd make wonderful bookends, just not as they are now....
1. They're ugly  
2.  They're too creepy for Stephen's taste
3.  They don't match the decor
4. I have a sudden obsession with spray painting everything
So my plan was to spray paint the bunnies ALL black or white....depending on what Stephen preferred!
 However, in a sudden twist of fate....as I begrudgingly showed the odd bookends to my husband....
 He said we should spray paint them black and keep the eyes orange.....AWESOME!
So there they are folks....in all their weird, creepy and demented glory
and I am beyond excited to display them in our new place


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