
{DIY} Blood Sweat and Tears

This next project is by FAR our largest yet.
No.  Your eyes are not deceiving you........
that is an abnormally small TV on top of a deep fryer box.
This was our TV setup/entertainment center before
And THIS is the after.....so much better!
But getting here was no easy feat
This is the actual entertainment center we purchased majorly discounted from Rooms to Go Outlet 
(with a few ummm problems if you will!)

 I never got a picture of the assembled entertainment center in its "before" state because we disassembled it at the store for transport and didn't reassemble until it was finished in our home.
We started by priming the entire piece with Zinsser's Cover Stain
And painted the entertainment center with 
Rust-Oleum's Painter's Touch in Black Semi-Gloss
Painting the doors and shelves separately

We put the doors and shelves back in for the second coat of paint
I topped off the paint with a protective coat of Polyurethane 
(which actually made the piece glossier than I would've liked) 
and we added our own hardware because the old hardware was ugly
and Voila!  All of our blood sweat and tears paid off....BIG time!

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